Big fields, Little fields
Big Field Little Field
Before the coming of the tractor fields were small. Hand working meant a patchwork of small fields, each surrounded with trees.
This means that every field had the roots of trees underneath it. The roots spread under the ground like a net under every field. The roots of the trees are cooler than the ground in summer and warmer in the winter, therefore each field could be kept cool below ground in summer, shaded on every side from the wind, rain and sunlight by the trees above. This cooling enabled the rain to enter the ground to start its journey which would keep it safely in the ground from one to one thousand years (and not flooding the land). In the winter the warmer roots keep the ground from freezing allowing, once again, the rain to enter the earth, the ground must be cooler than the falling rain or it will not enter the ground.
Once the tractor/combine etc, came onto the land they found the small fields impeded the speed the new machines could travel so, very sensibly, they made the fields bigger and bigger and bigger. The trees were uprooted, ditches filled. The network of fields, trees and roots disappeared. Where formerly there were six fields, now just one huge field.
Without its nest of roots laying beneath the earth the giant fields become hot in summer and freeze in the winter, inhibiting the correct function of the water table. Rain cannot enter the earth, in winter or in summer. Giant fields surround small patches of woodlands, which mean’s the woodland is now encircled by a ring of heat. When the sun shines directly onto the earth it becomes hot like the ring of the cooker.
With heated ground all around, the earth below the woodland becomes warm and stops the sponge below the trees from working. The roots cannot access any water from above or below. The rootlets dry out in the dry ground and root protoplasm’s no longer function, the roots then slowly start to die. The outward manifestation of these conditions can clearly be seen by the eye of the observer as leaf dieback, cracking bark, “bleeding trees”, loss of branches and eventually death. With no moisture in a rootlet, diseases (example; honey bark fungus) can freely enter into the tree.
A tree grows first below and then above, so to does it die, first below and then above.
As each tree becomes infected with disease the trees’ immune system slowly starts to fail, allowing the natural predator of that tree to slowly kill it. But the predator is only there in the tree because the tree is already sick! The predator is not the cause merely the effect! Natures way of “breaking down” that which is dying.
The modern farming/forestry/industrialised methods that have been created are killing our trees!
We have created this situation. We can change it, even now.
We only have to look after the ground beneath our feet. With everyone cooling down their own garden, land and environment.
Larger areas, i.e. farmland and forest can be cooled collectively. It may appear to be a “big job” if only one person is doing it, but if everyone on earth does it………….job done!
When the ground is shaded the earth its self will feed and water your crops.
Small fields - the trees look after the field and the field looks after the trees.
Big Fields – the field kills the trees.