poetree page
The Trap
The Trap (Oh clever, clever water)
The river engineers completed the trap
To slow down the tiny stream
Then they let the water go
And their trap was finally seen.
The entrance way was a long dark tunnel
A long round iron pipe
The water entered into the funnel
And disappeared from sight.
Long and straight it went
Into a concrete pit
Straight and square and steep and long
And the water poured into it.
From high above the sun shone down
Light bouncing off the walls
Burning with its fiery light
The water as it falls!

Into the trap the sun shines down
To heat the passing flow
From dark to light the waters come
Theres no where else to go.
One slow dash and then its through
Down two more iron tubes
Under the road, once more a stream
It sinuously moves.
Then time goes by in human land
The trap is left forgotten
But water flows eternally
It has not forgotten!
The first thing left by river flood
Was tumbled jumbled stones
Ejected there by earths water blood
It made a rivers bones!
In the trap it could not move
It could not sway or bend
So in the trap it dropped its load
To start repairs and mend.
Then summer came,
The sun shone down
To cook the passing stream
No shelter here, the walls alight
The water slows and steams
In the water, in the core
The temperature is rising
Fever starts in every pore
The molecules expanding!
Soil is left as summers load
In tiny, tiny grains
And slowly, slowly more is left
By storm and heat and rains!

On top of stone, on top of earth
The gentle heat of spring
Come bird to drink,
Come bird for worm
The waters gently sing...
And seeds are dropped
By bird, by wind
By passing merry gurgles.
In balmy shade
A happy river chuckles

The waters made a spiral!
Into a curve, its self has built,
The traps no more a rival!
Through tunnel pipe
It then bends left
To hug the northern wall.
Neath shady grass
It shuns the light
On a gently sloping fall.
Beneath shade you have made
You form your very core
Oh clever, clever stream!
Then you bend left, around your own bank
A bank thats never seen!
Next you bend right,
In that square concrete pit!?
Oh for the cleverness of water!
Done by the power, done by the might
Done with the patience of water
Past the first pipe
Then left down the next
My our stream is choosing!
Left, right, then left, and off into life!
And right there, the engineers start losing!
Each river knows the way it should go
Just watch, they show you what to do
Just look, just learn
Thats the way that you know
And help them find their way through!

Gilgamesh - A story of the wild man in all of us and the birth of the city state Every good citizen obeys the state When everyone’s eating and everything’s great When things go wrong the state surely falls We live on a planet that has it’s own rules Gilgamesh, a king, in a story so old Was handsome and beautiful, mighty and bold Uruk was his capital near old Baghdad It had a king with a problem, Gilgamesh was bad! So in love with himself, he made a decree Every bride in the land spends the first night with me . The people were resentful, but what could they do If they objected they were swiftly run through Off in the woods a wild man ran free Protecting the animals and guarding the trees Enkidu was the warriors name He knew of no king, weren’t all men the same? Great was his prowess with things fierce and wild But in a murky old world Enkidu was a child No hunter could catch him , but Gilgamesh had a plan A harlot would tempt him, the downfall of man Shalach was the name of the temptress who came She knew every act of the worlds oldest game With sex, drugs and drink she tamed the wild beast Then suited and booted he shared the Kings feast Then step by step was unfolded a plot The King wanted some trees and he needed a lot His reasons for needing them he kept to himself He told all his people it would increase their wealth The cedars of Lebanon was what he was after And Enkidu helped him, Oh woe and disaster! Drink and debauchery had stolen his mind But he knew the wilderness any way he could still find Booze is a killer if your caught in it’s grip Drugs and beautiful women, it’s easy to slip Now we are brothers, two men the same But after the war, who’ll get the blame? The war was fought, Lebanon lost Their beautiful cedar forest..that was the cost So old and so mighty were these ancient trees That covered sweet Lebanon right down to the sea Then from the biggest they built a huge gate Protecting Uruk with it’s size and it’s weight The rest of the trees ? The story doesn’t tell The King had a secret, he’d hidden it well! The first move he made was to kill of his chum Bumped off in secret, his time had come In public of course, the King played the game Mourning his chum, praising his name "Enkidu! Enkidu! you were the best! I’ve lost my brother, torn from my breast!" So said this charmer, this killer of men... Over and over and over again Time passes by, and memories are short But nature remembers and a lesson is taught If you cut down a forest there’s a price you must pay Deforestation starts a chain of related events
That’s natures way...
The trees are the bridge between the earth and the sky Up through their bodies the essences fly Water they hold and water they make A cosmic connector, that no one must break If you cut down the chalice that holds the earths blood First comes the drought, then comes the flood Gilgamesh the King had known what would come Now for his plan, let his will be done Noah’s the guy in the old bible story Who saved the world from a flood... To his name goes the glory But long, long before, on the same piece of land Gilgamesh built an ark It was what he had planned! But the old wiley King was only interested in treasure Although on the waves, he still needed his pleasure Birdies and rabbits , all two by two For the global elite That’ll never do What makes a ship? What makes a sail? Time to start thinking, we’re still on the trail Building an ark to take storm, to take sea To hold safe a King It must be mighty Two thousand oak trees to make every boat A forest of oak trees kept England’s navy afloat And fields full of hemp made every sail A country with both, could never fail For Noah? For Gilgamesh? They both build an ark In a tissue of lies, you can’t tell them apart One is a carpenter, one is a King From which of these stories can you hear the truth ring? A man in his garden or a King from a throne One with a huge budget , one working alone One fought a war to steal loads of trees One prayed in his garden and he prayed on his knees When wood is cut it then has to dry An inch every year, how the time flies Then to the shipwright to be built in shipyards It’s done by the hammer, not the singing of bards If you build one ark, why not build two In a Global disaster one might not get through And if you build two, why not build ten A King says keep building, again then again! The global elite, the ancient big brother You use up the earth, now you’re running for cover The people, like rats, must swim or go under In rain and in storm, by lightning and thunder! The fleet sailed away with a worlds total treasure Into the storm with a cargo beyond measure All that was needed to start life again The entire knowledge of the history of men In the worlds fiercest storm the fleet was soon broken Each ship on it’s own, each it’s own totem Riding the waves so massively tall Some reaching the top, some taking the fall So there you are, the worlds oldest story Carved in a stone and it didn’t bore me It sounds like a time and a place that I know The global elite are ready But when will they go? Written by Buster Nolan ©